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Technical Sketching Basic Box


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This month is all about technical sketching! This Basic box features a 6-set of Derwent Academy drawing pencils that contains a range from 8B to HB. This box also includes three Marabu Graphix permanent markers in light grey, rose beige, and aqua green and, a Kuretake Zig oblique calligraphy pen in sepia, size 1.0, We've also included a custom 4x6" Boris marker paper by Borden and Riley. This smooth paper is bright white and semi-transparent. Not only does it hold up to markers without bleeding, but it also works great with graphite too! Finally, say hello to your new favorite art supply case! The rigid lining of this supply case can be pressed at the bottom to hold the box open, making it easy to grab your supplies on the go. Art pictured was created by our super talented subscriber @creativity.andersondesigns using the supplies in this box. Please note that the art pictured is not included with the box.

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