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Artist Pastel Basic Box


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Product Description

This month brings back one of our most requested mediums, Artist Pastels! You will receive a custom-curated set of Pastels in Cloud White, Desert Rose, and Blue Pacific. These unique pastels allow you to mix colors more easily and apply them to your surface with a wide variety of tools. It's one of the most approachable ways to explore pastel art. To help you sketch in your initial concept or darken areas we have included a Bruynzel Pastel Pencil in Havana Brown. We have included a variety of tools to use with your Pastels, a Black Blender for filling in large areas, and a stick sponge set for creating circle dots of color of smudge areas to blend the pastels. In addition, you will receive a Faber-Castel Kneaded Eraser to clean up your artwork or erase areas for detail and texture. Finally, our surface this month is a custom 4x6" Rembrandt Pastel Paper in cream. This finely textured surface is perfect for a variety of dry media, such as soft pastels, charcoal, and pencils. Its slight tooth helps pastels adhere to the paper and create seamless blends.

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